The focus of my life has really been to live my best, happy life. Although I have marched and protested and donated to our cause, I wouldn't call myself an activist. But Ryan is. Ironically, he wasn't as "active" as I was but in his soul burns the fire of injustice.
He seemed particularly down today so I asked him if I could make him a sandwich and have lunch with him.
"Thanks," he said, "but I'm not hungry."
"Can I sit with you while I eat?" Without meaning to, I chuckled because if there was anyone between the two of us who shouldn't be eating, it was definitely me. I set about making my lunch while trying to cajole Ryan into telling me what was doing. It took some effort but I was heartened by the fact that he didn't just up and leave. Finally I tried the direct approach, "You seem pretty down."
"Did you read the news?"
No, I hadn't.
"The Supreme Court gave that web designer permission to not only refuse to serve gay people, but she is allowed to declare her refusal in writing on her site. Mind you, all of this is contrary to Colorado laws."
"Shit," I said. "So religious bigotry wins?"
"It does. But it is not really about bigots. It is about the myriad of religious laws written thousands of years ago for a society nothing like ours. As of today, those laws, many of which are dangerous, have credence over non-discrimination? Who is going to decide which ancient writings are worth ditching equality for? Or must we allow all of them to take precedence?"
Ryan's eyes filled and he started to choke on his emotions. I instinctively reached out for him. He flinched. And then he took my hand and wrapped all of his fingers around it. "Sorry," he whispered.
"No need," I said. And we sat quietly for a few minutes like that. Then slowly, we started reminiscing about all the protests we had been involved in. We laughed about some of the costumes we wore. We remembered our pride, and courage. What we didn't say, what we totally skirted, is that today something we had fought for had been taken away which is very different from not yet achieving what you are fighting for.